Reflections at SW

It’s a little over 3 years at Socketworks. Looking back, it’s been an interesting journey indeed. The journey from a senior PHP developer to a lead PHP developer. An amazing journey really!

I will be posting some of the stuff i have worked on while at Socketworks. How we have solved some of the problems we encountered… even the ones we(my team) created 🙂

You know it’s different when you write codes for the machine and just for yourself from when you have to write for the machine and other humans. You must start looking at maintainability, collaboration and even taking version control seriously.

When several developers at various levels of expertise write code, you have to take Quality assurance even more seriously. And if you want to deploy with peace of mind, then Automated Deployment and maybe continuous integration are some of the things you want to explore to make your life easier while churning out higher quality software.

These are some of the things that we have had to deal with.

Watch this space for details.

Internal Software Quality

While this might look like stating the obvious, I still find that there are organisations especially in this part of the world that have not really imbibed these practices. From experience, I find that its because management has not really taken a serious look into the merits and demerits of internal software quality.

What is internal software quality and how does it differ from just plain Software quality? When it comes to software quality assurance, it is most commonly viewed in two aspects (There could be more).

  • External software quality
  • Internal software quality

This is derived from Steve McConnell’s division of software characteristics in his book Code Complete. Continue reading